Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find questions that we have often been asked in recent years. It is of course possible that your question is not listed here. Please feel free to contact us so that we can answer your question personally.

Do these EAN numbers work for the sales platform?

Yes, initially we even started this store for this reason. Our codes always work on .

What exactly do I get with my order?

Once you have placed an order with us, you will receive a confirmation email. This contains the login details of your account. You can log in directly to this account and the ean numbers are ready. You can always find your codes in this account. You can also find all barcodes that belong to the ordered ean numbers. Furthermore, the invoice can be downloaded in this account. This way you always have everything in one account and everything is immediately easy to find. With your order you will receive:

  • Official Ean Numbers
  • Matching barcodes
  • The certainty that these codes always work everywhere online

What is the delivery time?

All codes are delivered IMMEDIATELY after ordering via email. It doesn’t matter if this is on the weekend, weekdays or holidays.

Do I also receive barcodes?

Yes, these are always included for free and can be found in your personal account.

Are your codes official?

We get this question very often. When you order ean codes from us, they are always recognised. The codes are issued once and are therefore unique.

Why are you cheaper than other providers?

This is due to various reasons, for example we are the largest player in Europe for offering ean codes. This allows the codes to be purchased in bulk. We also spend little money on marketing materials, so that we can ultimately offer the codes to you cheaper.

Can I return the codes after purchase?

That is not possible, our codes are issued once by name. Which means that once you have ordered the codes, they are yours and can no longer be resold.

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